I met Wolfgang Trettnak at Margarita Cimadevila’s Summer School. Born in Graz, Austria, he received a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Graz, worked in applied scientific research on sensors and biosensors for many years and published a number of scientific articles. In 2002 he decided to give it all up and become an artist. He has exhibited in Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and China.
Trettnak links Science with Art bringing in topics such as bionics, electronics, luminescence and environmental pollution. He is especially concerned about the threatening of marine life by pollution and overexploitation.
Trettnak specializes in environmental art. His latest works “PLASTIC FISHES”, poignantly shows how the seas are polluted by plastic debris found in all oceans from the Arctic to the Antarctic. The work is based on personal observation as well as scientific facts and findings. Trettnak provides informative texts that accompany the art works and further drive home the dangers lurking in polluting the seas. The art works themselves are paintings and collages. Many of them contain actual plastic debris from beaches – plastic bags and plastic bottles.
Trettnak is a superb eco-artist whose work warns of the ecological Armageddon which threatens life on our planet.

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