Creativity and Artificial Intelligence: Machines that Create Art, Literature and Music – An article in KUNSTFORUM International Bd. 278

Most people agree that AIs can create art. But can they truly be artists? This question cuts right to the heart of AI because it raises the issue of whether AIs can possess attributes of living beings, even though they are alien life forms. If so their intelligence will no longer be ‘artificial’ but as … Read more

Parts I and II of the Q&A between George Zarkadakis and myself on the realities and the future of artificial intelligence

George Zarkadakis (GZ): Your book centers around AI. Can you give me a brief overview of the angle of your book?

Arthur Miller (AM): My goal in this book is to explore machine creativity with focus on AI-created art, literature and music. I ask whether machines can have characteristics of human creativity and so be creative like us, such as competitiveness, unpredictability, and emotions and then evolve a creativity of their own. Artist in the Machine looks at the upside of AI, how it can inspire us, increase our own creativity, and so add to the quality of our lives.  […]

Adventures in writing about creative machines: An article in BookBrunch

Arthur I. Miller reports on progress towards the Age of Superintelligence.

When I began researching my book The Artist in the Machine I knew a fair amount about AI-created art and music, but not so much about AI-created literature. From what I did know, I wondered whether I would have enough material to fill a chapter. It turned out that I had more than enough…

Machines have learned how to be creative. What does that mean for art?

Go grandmaster Lee Sedol recently announced he was retiring from the game because “there is an entity that can never be defeated”: AI. As readers likely remember, an artificial intelligence known as AlphaGo defeated Lee in 2016. The grandmaster later commented that AlphaGo had displayed “human intuition.” AI is in the news regularly these days, but one … Read more