Lecture at Brooklyn College

Date: October 18, 2022
Time: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Location: Brooklyn College
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Jung, Pauli and Synchronicity

2143 Ingersoll Hall,
Brooklyn College

At a key time in his scientific development, the physicist Wolfgang Pauli underwent analysis by Carl Jung. The encounters were inspiring for both men and sparked changes in their work. I will talk about Pauli and how his scientific discoveries were affected by Jung’s analysis of his dreams. At the time Jung was looking into alchemy, mysticism and the I Ching. How did his encounters with Pauli affect his view of the world and the universe? And what was synchronicity and how did it come into it?

This talk will be held on campus with a Zoom option for those unable to attend in person. The Zoom registration link is: https://tinyurl.com/miller-synchronicity

Refreshments will be available from 4pm.