Weaving the Universe (with Fiorella Lavado)

Weaving the Universe, a collaboration between artist Fiorella Lavado and scientist Arthur I Miller

Weaving the Universe

(with Fiorella Lavado)

A version will be presented on 4 March, 6.00-7.30pm at

Royal Astronomical Society
Burlington House
London W1J OBQ

Click here for further details on the Royal Astronomical Society website.

Abstract: Weaving the Universe

Art: Fiorella Lavado
Science: Arthur I. Miller, University College London

Artists use mathematical models of black holes developed from data taken by space telescopes to give us some idea of what these mysterious objects actually look like. They have produced amazing images of objects which are impossible to perceive and enormously far away from us. But what has been missing are visual representations that evoke their frightening grandeur and the poetry behind them. Towards that goal artist Fiorella Lavado and scientist Arthur I. Miller have been working together, in an artist-scientist collaboration. Together we explore representations of nature that go beyond scientific visualisations.